Mater Dei Parish runs a Personnel Product Pantry that is entirely staffed by volunteers from Mater Dei Parish. The pantry provides non-food household items that help provide a better quality of life to those who have limited resources for daily items. The pantry is open every Monday from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. The items are provided to families by address. Each address can be served once every 8 weeks receiving nine items per visit. There is a list that patrons can choose from to supply their household according to their specific needs. Contact parish office at 712-226-4320 or [email protected] to find out how to get involved.
Items provided to choose from:
Baby Lotion Baby Powder Baby Shampoo Baby Wash
Baby Wipes BandAids Bathroom Cleaner Body Lotion
Body Wash Deodorant Depends Diapers
Diaper Rash Cream Dish Soap Disinfecting Wipes Denture Cleaner
Denture Cream Fabric Softener Facial Tissue Garbage Bags
Hair Brush/Comb Hand Soap (Pump) Laundry Detergent Maxi Pads/Pantiliners
Men’s Shampoo Paper Towels Plastic Gloves Poise Pads
Pull Ups- 4-5T Q Tips Shampoo & Conditioner Soap
Shaving Cream/Razors Sunscreen Tampons – Regular or Super
Toilet Bowl Cleaner Toilet paper Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
The funeral luncheon is a "ministry" of Mater Dei Parish. Volunteers are needed to help serve or provide a salad or dessert. The ministry is open to men and women.
For more information, contact:
Nativity: Deb Ammons 712-490-6818, Pam Kramer 712-253-0899, Donna Spieler 712-635-4877.
Immaculate Conception: Parish Office at 712-276-4821
- Personal Product Pantry - Click here to learn more
- Post Prison Ministry Mentor Program- Contact Deacon Dennis @ 712-226-4316
- Feed the Homeless - Contact Deacon Dennis @ 712-226-4316
- Good Samaritan - Contact Sam Hacker @ 712-226- 4318
Advises the pastor on what needs to be done to keep our facilities in the best working condition.
Deacon Dennis Brockhaus
Al Fagan
Charlie Hacker
Greg Topf
Henry Henchal
Mike Neswick
Deacon Will Fergen
Dave Wrenn
John Pylelo
Helps with the decorating of the worship spaces throughout the liturgical year.
Helps welcome our newest members to the parish.
Individuals who seek to offer compassion and condolence to those experiencing death of loved ones. This ministry is through the mail. Members send cards to families after the funeral has been held. Communication through cards are notes continue through the first year of loss and beyond as the member of the committee feel called to continue.