Mater Dei Faith Formation: Family Small Group Leaders Needed
The Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes) and the Bread of Life Discourse are arguably the greatest teachings in the history of the world.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” said Jesus on the Mount as He began to teach the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3) When He had finished, we read, “The crowds were astounded at His teaching.” (Matt:7:28) And, “Great crowds followed Him.” (Matt 8:1)
Jesus certainly knew how to teach a crowd!
Yet in the Bread of Life Discourse things went an entirely different way.
“I am the bread of life,” said Jesus at Passover time, probably one year before the Last Supper (Jn. 6:35) And then He said, “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.”
As Scripture says, this was a “difficult teaching.” (Jn. 6:60) And, “Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him.” (Jn. 6:66)
When the great crowds left Him, Jesus said to the twelve Apostles, “Do you also wish to go away?” (Jn. 6:67)
“Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.’” (Jn. 6:68)
Acceptance of this difficult teaching required having walked with Jesus for three years. Jesus had invested much love, time and effort in His “Twelve.” He had tilled their hearts to receive the seeds of His love, seeds which germinated in the Last Supper. And after Christ’s death and resurrection, the Apostles went out and permanently changed the world!
Our Faith Formation program at Mater Dei Parish needs Christ-like people to “walk with” our families as Small Group Leaders!
In our Family of Faith program (for families with children in grades 1-4) we are creating Small Groups of 4-6 families (about 12-20 persons; parents and their children). These small groups will study the catechism in the Family of Faith curriculum, each Small Group guided by one or two Small Group Leaders. We will have about 6-10 Small Groups and we need that many Leaders.
Who can be a Small Group Leader (or assistant)?
Ideally, the Small Group Leader would be one of the parents (or a married couple) in the group. However, at least in this first year, the Leader will likely be someone assigned to the Small Group who does not have children in the program. Also, a Small Group Leader would ideally have an assistant. An assistant does not need to be trained but should be able to assist in any role needed.
How do I know if I am a good candidate to be a Small Group Leader?
A good Small Group Leader:
What books will be used?
We use “The Family of Faith” curriculum from Sophia Institute Press, which comes highly recommended and is the curriculum we used last year. It is based on the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Thus, the program goes in a four-year cycle. There is a Parent Guide (would double as a Leader Guide) and an Activity Book. Together, these provide everything you would need to plan and carry out a Small Group session. The families use the same books for their home lessons.
What is the role of the parent(s) in these Small Group sessions?
Parents listen to the short teaching along with their children. From there it is up to you how things play out. You could ask families to go off on their own for an activity or have parents doing one activity together while you guide the children in another. You will have training and resources to help you figure out what would work best for your Small Group. Having parents nearby normally results in less disruptions by the children. Parents also carry out home lessons at other points in the month.
What if I try it and run into trouble?
We will have a “principal” who can help step in or can observe and make suggestions. We do not want you overwhelmed, so will provide whatever assistance you need. If you are adaptable and willing to learn and accept help, we will work through any difficulties. Again, it is great if you have an assistant. If you need to have one to do this ministry, we will try to provide the assistant.
When do Small Group sessions begin and end this school year?
The monthly sessions begin in October and our last sessions are in April, so you would have 7 sessions.
Is there a deadline for training for this ministry?
Training can be done on an individual basis if done in August or September during weekday working hours. There will be group training sessions available on Wednesday evenings in August, beginning August 10. Training must be completed before the end of September since sessions start either late September or early August.
Are substitutes available if I can’t make it?
Yes, we will get you covered if you cannot make it and don’t know or have an assistant or your own sub. Again, it helps to have an assistant. We will have a sub list. That being said, we need to avoid Small Group Leader absences. Getting substitutes is not always easy! It is good for you to have a backup plan.
Are we locked into our assigned Wednesday at IC for the Small Group sessions? Or can we do another night at a different location?
We prefer that the vast majority of your sessions occur at IC at the scheduled time so that we can provide the help of the principal and we are building a sense of community in the parish. However, if it plays out that you must hold a session at a different time and place to be sure to get it accomplished, we are open to that. Please be in contact with Dn. Roder if such occasions would arise.
Can our group do social “fun stuff” if we wish (but not instead of the Small Group session)?
Absolutely! This would be exactly one of the fruits of this ministry that we desire! Make sure to say hello to your group members at Mass or “out and about.” Find out their concerns and needs. Maybe your group needs to rally around one family with prayer and support. That is what this is all about, learning to love each other as Christ loves us.
I am interested or want to sign up. What next?
Please contact Dn. Rick Roder ([email protected] or 712-226-4317). You may attend an information and training session Wednesday August 9, 6:30 p.m. at the IC Parish offices; please inform Dn. Roder if you will be attending.