Wednesdays are usually our "big night" with classes, small groups, meetings, etc. However we have certain Wednesdays wherein classes will not meet due to holidays, holy days, etc. Those dates in 2024-2025 are:
Nov 27 (Thanksgiving weekend)
Dec 25 & Jan 1 (Christmas Break)
March 5 (Ash Wednesday)
April 16 (Holy Week)
Although we do not have classes on these nights, they are excellent evenings to plan in-home lessons, family prayer, or other intentional activities focused on God and our faith. We will provide suggestions!
How can we help you?
If your family has unique needs, we welcome a conversation on how our staff at Mater Dei Parish can help you in your faith journey. We seek to serve all who come to us desiring a relationship with God.
Questions? Need more information or a conversation about your family's situation? Please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator
Deacon Rick Roder
[email protected]
Office Phone 712.226.4317.
Welcome, Parents and Guardians of the Children of our Parish!
Mater Dei Parish is here to help parents/guardians fulfill their God-given role and their baptismal promises!
From the Catholic rite of Baptism:
Priest: "You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him (her) in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him (her) up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?"
Parents: "We do."
From the General Directory of Catechesis, Articles 255 and 227
“Parents are the primary educators in the faith. It is for this reason that parishes must give very special attention to parents. By means of personal contact, meetings, courses and also adult catechesis directed towards parents, the parish must help them assume their responsibility - which is particularly delicate today - of educating their children in the faith.”
Mater Dei's Faith Formation program is based on the Catholic Church's teaching that you, parents or guardians, are the first and primary educators of your children in our faith. Parents teach the faith not only in word but also in deed. Children watch; they learn; they know! And no one knows them or loves them like you do!
We are building a comprehensive system of Faith Formation for our families that is introduced with marriage preparation and baptism of children, initiated in children's pre-school years, intensified in the grade school years, strengthened in Confirmation preparation, expressed anew in youth groups, and launched into early adulthood and selection of a college, career, and life vocation. This brings us full circle back to marriage prep, new couples and young families...and
God-willing some seminarians and religious order novices!
We don't leave parents on the sidelines! No one loves and cares more for children than parents. Yet none of us is perfect. At Mater Dei we seek to provide the support parents need to grow in their faith along with their children. Parents should know that we support them in their baptismal promise to be the first teachers of their children.
Here is an overview of our offerings, from youngest ages up to oldest.
Ages 3-6: Level 1
For children aged 3-6, we are proud to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). Children enter a very sacred, beautiful and intriguing room called an Atrium where they can receive and enjoy God's love, experienced through Jesus, the Good Shepherd. In the Atrium children consider God's word and materials revealing the life and teachings of Jesus, articles used on the altar, gestures used in Mass, and much more, and are thus immersed in the mysteries of faith. CGS can only accept a limited number of children. Meets @ IC on Wednesdays, at 4:15 pm and 6:15 p.m.
Ages 6-9: Level 2
We are excited to be able to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level 2 on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm. Level 2 is for children grades 1 through 3. New students are welcome, as are students who have aged out of Level 1.
Linsey Hoard ([email protected], 740.219.3041) is the CGS lead catechist if you have any questions.
In our Family of Faith program we empower you to help teach your children while learning the faith better yourself! This is accomplished when children are in grades 1-4. Family of Faith also includes second graders. If your child also needs First Confession and First Communion, please see the information below.
The "Family of Faith" curriculum from Sophia Institute Press is a four-year program that is based on the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Thus, anyone completing this four-year course of study has a rounded understanding of the Catholic faith. The Family of Faith program meets in the parish on First and Third Wednesdays (with some exceptions; see calendar):
On the first Wednesday of the month (typically) we offer children fun activities, music, learning and service work in our "Faith and Fun Night." Children will meet our adults and volunteers in the IC school gym at 6:30, after which parents go over to the IC Parish Center for the Parent Session (see information below about the adult sessions). All children who are in Family of Faith Small Groups are expected to attend Faith & Fun Nights, and all adults are expected to attend the Parent Session. The Parent Session ends in time for the adults to go over to school to pick up their children and head home. Don't miss this great night of fun and learning about your faith!
During these important formative years, families are encouraged to work on whatever needs they have, such as children learning basic prayers, regular attendance at Mass and use of Confession, healing of relationships, and family prayer in the home. Your family's spiritual growth is the goal of the Small Family Group community that you are a part of, lovingly guided by your Small Group leader.
Anyone interested in being a Small Group Leader should contact Deacon Roder at [email protected] or 712-226-4317. Small Family Group Leadership includes a training session and ongoing formation. More information will be available soon.
For second (and some third) graders, the fall of the year is spent preparing for First Confession, which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 2024. First Communion preparation starts in January and First Communion Mass will be Sunday, May 4, 2024. For students older than third grade, see the information for OOSBOTs (below).
Sacramental preparation classes meet every other Sunday morning during the academic year from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. with catechist Mrs. Ruth Smith. There is a parent-led home lesson component in this program.
First Confession and First Communion preparation is also available within the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, should you choose that option.
It is important to note that sacramental preparation is a parish function, not a religious education function, though First Confession/First Communion does fall under the religious education umbrella as far as administration of the program. Sunday sacramental preparation encourages regular attendance at Sunday Mass, which is of foundational importance as we prepare children to receive the Body and Blood of Christ every Sunday.
In addition to this Sacramental formation, second grade students are expected to take part in the Family of Faith Small groups and Faith and Fun nights on Wednesdays. Participation in the Family of Faith program in the second grade year ensures the child learns the Catechism subjects of that year. Parental participation in Small Family Groups in the child's second grade year prepares the family for Small Groups when the child moves on to third grade.
Families will enjoy a memorable, informative and spiritually rich year as the children receive their Sacraments.
God’s Plan in Scripture (GPS) helps to guide children through the Bible by reading from the 14 “narrative” books that tell the Story of Salvation. We'll have 26 sessions, meeting every Wednesday night (with a few exceptions).
Through fun activities and discussions, authors Emily Cavins, Lisa Bromschwig, Regina Neville, and Linda Wandrei will help you learn to see God’s hand in your child’s everyday life, at school and at home. Our Bible team is very excited to present this offering!
The parent meeting for the Confirmation 2025 group will be held on Aug 14 after the 5:30 pm Mass (Feast of the Assumption, Holy Day of obligation). Mass is at Immaculate Conception and the meeting is in the IC Parish Center. Students are expected to attend with a parent.
Classes will be held every Wednesday evening starting on October 2 6:30-7:45 pm. These students will be slated to be confirmed in the fall of 2025. For more information and dates, see the Confirmation page.
Student's who will be confirmed in September 2024 do not need to register again.First Communion late-comers are welcomed with open arms at Mater Dei Parish. For students 4th grade and up who are baptized Catholics, but have not yet received First Communion, we are pleased to offer our "Out-of-Sequence, Back-on-Track" (OOSBOT) class for the children and their parents. The class meets on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m., in the Nativity school.
Our Post-Confirmation youth program features small faith sharing groups led by trained mentors. We offer opportunities for service, fun, helping younger students, trips to diocesan and regional conferences, etc. No need to register, come as you please.
On the First (usually) Wednesdays of each month of this academic year is the Parent Session for adults from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. This session is for all parents with children in our programs. Parents are expected to attend. Furthermore, it is open to all adults and confirmed teens in our parish. We will be working on making sure all attendees complete the year with a good basic understanding of the catechism topics for the year. This understanding is crucial to all we do in Faith Formation and in the parish.
The same evenings and times of the aforementioned Parent Sessions, we offer children in grades 1 through 4 fun activities, music, learning and service work in our "Faith and Fun Night." Parents and children will meet our adults and volunteers in the IC school gym for sign-in at 6:30, after which parents are expected at the IC Parish Center for the Parent Session. The Parent Session ends in time for the adults to go over to school to pick up their children and head home. Don't miss this great night of fun and learning about your faith!