by Fr. Mark
Since June 2023, Jeff Zyzda, Fr. Mark Stoll, a group of parents and other volunteers have been developing Mater Dei Parish's Altar Server program and rolling out new procedures and developments. Coming soon we will be introducing RANKS OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR. Current ranks will be Recruit, Apprentice, and Knight. Additional ranks will be introduced later. All Altar Server will begin at the rank of Recruit and will be recognized at Mass as wearing a white alb and cincture [green, white, red, or purple]. After a year of service, the Recruit may take a simple test to advance to the rank of Apprentice. After the promotion ceremony, during which they receive a certificate, they will be allowed to wear a cross in addition to the white alb and cincture. After the appropriate time of service, the Apprentice may take a simple test and with the approval of Altar Server Coaches, take part in the promotion ceremony to advance to the rank of Knight and will receive a certificate and a pin. Knights will be recognized at Mass as wearing a black cassock and white surplice.
All of this is described in the MATER DEI KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR HANDOOK that is found on the parish website under Sacraments: Altar Servers-Knights of the Altar.
In early 2025 the promotion ceremonies for Apprentices and Knights will be held at a few weekend Masses. As this is the first year for this, around 20 recruits may be promoted to Apprentice and then to Knight at the same Mass due to their dedicated service.
Again, in the future, additional ranks will be introduced to allow our Altar Servers to advance to high ranks with additional duties and responsibilities.
Please stay tuned for additional information.